As regular readers of Gather & Grow know, I’m a permaculture designer and enthusiast. Permaculture is simply the approach to sustainability that most resonates with me — or to be more clear, knocks my socks off — and restores some hopefulness in me about the future of this planet. Completing my Permaculture Design Certificate at California’s Regenerative Design Institute in 2011 was nothing short of life-changing, and set me firmly on the path that I’m now on.
This month, I’ll be giving two free introductory talks on permaculture here in Columbia. I’m so fired up to get to share this amazing, down-to-earth, thoughtful and fun design methodology with others. Come join us if you can!
- Tuesday, March 4, at 6:30-7:30pm at Richland Library St. Andrews
- Tuesday, March 18, 6-7pm at Richland Library Cooper