I’ve alluded to this in a previous post, but I’m beyond excited now to be able to reveal what a couple of local permaculturists and myself have been scheming lately:
We are organizing a full, 72-hour Permaculture Design Course in Columbia, South Carolina, in Spring 2015!
This is going to be the first-ever Permaculture Design Course in Columbia, and only the second one in the entire state. We’ve nailed down most of the logistics and are now moving forward with a lot of energy and enthusiasm.
I am one of the three co-facilitators in this course, along with Nick Tittle of Surplus Permaculture who has taught PDCs for several years in Southeast Asia and the US, and Matt Kip who has been pioneering permaculture in the Midlands of South Carolina and has a deep understanding of its applicability to this specific bioregion. Together, we’re bringing in both global and local perspectives to this course. It will involve classroom instruction as well as hands-on projects, interactive group exercises, site visits to budding permaculture sites on urban backyard, farm, and community orchard scales — and of course, a final design project through which the participants will earn the internationally recognized Permaculture Design Certificate. The course meets every other weekend starting March 21, and our hope is that the weekend format will accommodate those who wouldn’t be able to do a residential course because of work or family commitments.
If you’ve spent any time reading through Gather and Grow posts, you probably know that my own permaculture course a few years ago changed forever the way I look at the world around me and at myself in it. It’s been a long-term, not-that-secret dream of mine to be able to pass that experience, and the invaluable design toolkit of permaculture, on to others. I take my dreams seriously… So one of them becoming a reality is something I want to pause for — and then shout out loud:
Come join us!! Check the website for details and registration!! Join us in helping to create an abundant future for all!